The Formative Area of our school is a fundamental part of our educational project, centered on all members of the school community, with a special emphasis on our students. This area ensures a healthy relationship among members of our community, including all the various stakeholders involved. We aim for our school to be a safe place, a second home where individuals feel protected, welcomed, and where they can joyfully develop their emotional and interpersonal skills.
Its primary components are:
Student Support Department (SSD)
We support all academic work in an integral manner, assisting at different levels from Infant to Senior Section, in emotional, psychosocial, learning, and guidance matters. Additionally, we drive the "Growing in Community" program, focused on connecting parents with their children's educational process and creating life-long essential support networks.
School Convivencia
In school, the classroom and recesses are social contexts where children and adolescents spend a significant part of their time interacting. Therefore, the school, together with the family, is one of the most important environments for the development of socio-emotional skills. On one hand, the family is the primary unit of human development, transmitting a whole history and value base. On the other hand, the educational institution is a space where social life is expanded and practiced, allowing students to meet and interact with diverse people, weaving interactions that give meaning and structure to a way of being and interacting. Ensuring, anticipating, and acting for healthy interaction is a fundamental task across all areas of our community.
Student's Well-being Team
The Student's Well-being Assistant team promotes adherence to the rules established within the internal school convivencia regulations. They play a crucial role in promoting an environment of safety, care, and respect among students, supervising the various areas of the school. Teamwork with homeroom teachers, subject teachers, the pedagogical support department, and Heads of Section is essential for achieving this objective.
Pastoral TMS
The fundamental purpose of Pastoral TMS is to ensure that the different groups within the TMS community— students, parents, guardians, administrative staff, auxiliaries, teachers, and the management team—live and internalize a Catholic, values-based, and social education that reflects behavior and an attitude consistent with the school's philosophy. This involvement should be personal, spiritual, active, and formative. The term "pastoral" means: the one who shepherds, the one who guides, and it refers to the Church's evangelizing action that enlightens and supports people's faith.
Outdoor Education Program
The Outdoor Education Program is part of the school's Educational Project and is aligned with our educational mission and institutional objectives. It involves multidisciplinary experiential learning in adventure settings, using the Outdoor methodology (a discovery-based approach, learning how to learn, and active participation in teaching). The program has been in place at the school since 1998 in a cross-curricular manner and is part of the curriculum for grades 5, 6, 7, and 1st year of Secondary. Students in 1st year of Secondary take an Outdoor course that trains them to become part of the team of outdoor monitors, who will assist their younger peers in 2nd year and later in 3rd and 4th year.
Environmental Education and Healthy Living
This program, developed and implemented by our school, focuses on integrating protective factors such as good nutrition and physical activity, as well as the importance of environmental care and respect. The aim is to work on these aspects regularly within our community and ensure that the message endures over time, so that children naturally adopt concepts of self-care and environmental awareness. To achieve this, we have adopted an Environmental Certification Program developed by CONAMA, which includes the provision of support materials, training sessions, and activity proposals related to students' responsibility for planet protection.
Antü Rayen Scout Group
The Scout Group was established in 1992 and has been part of the Asociación de Guías y Scouts de Chile since 2000. "The main mission is to help girls, boys, and young people develop their physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual capacities so that they can occupy an active and committed role in the local, national, and international community" (www.guiasyscoutsdechile.cl, 2006)
It is an enthusiastic group eager to learn new things while enjoying fun activities.